Plasmolifting PRP Tubes with separating Gel

5/12/2022 12:06:57 AM
Total Posts 11

Plasmolifting PRP Tubes with separating Gel

Plasmolifting PRP Tubes with separating Gel
How does plasma therapy of the scalp work?
Plasma therapy begins with taking blood from a vein. The right amount is determined by the doctor, but usually 10 ml is enough. It is placed in a special test tube, which is placed in a centrifuge. In it, the blood under the influence of high speed is divided into fractions in about 20 minutes, one of which is plasma. It is typed into a syringe and, after treating the skin with an antiseptic, injections are started.
The needles used by the doctor are very thin. But tolerable pain sensations may still be present when plasma is injected. The needle is inserted into the skin to a depth of 1 mm. The number of injections depends on the area of the treated area and can reach up to 60.
On our website you can buy [url=]high quality prp tubes[/url] for the production of platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
To shorten the rehabilitation period, doctors advise to adhere to the following recommendations:
Do not wash your hair for 24 hours and protect it from UV rays by wearing a head unit when going outside;
do not use care products and styling products for 24 hours;
do not use the swimming pool, sauna, steam bath, solarium for a week;
for two days, provide the skin with complete rest: do not massage, do not use peels.
Care over the next few months is also important: it affects the result. It is recommended to wear a headdress in the cold season and refuse to use curling irons, ironing, do not resort to hot drying with a hairdryer. As a supportive therapy at the end of the course, the doctor may prescribe a scalp massage, taking vitamin complexes.

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